Establishing predictability in EYFS settings
Early childhood settings play a vital role in establishing routines for young children. Here are some key strategies to consider:
Promoting Consistency and Structure
- Create a daily schedule that provides a consistent framework for activities such as mealtimes, nap times, playtime, outdoor time, and learning activities.
- Display visual cues, such as pictures or symbols, to help children understand the sequence of events and transitions.
Establishing Predictable Routines
- Maintain consistent routines for essential activities like handwashing, toileting, and nappy changes.
- Provide clear and simple instructions during transitions to help children understand what is happening next.
Incorporating Transitions Effectively
- Use transition activities, such as singing a song or reading a book, to help children move smoothly between activities.
- Plan transition times to allow for individual needs, respecting different learning speeds and temperaments.
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